Teaching archery in Malta for more than 14 years 20 shooting lines Distances of up to 60 metres Regular lessons - Team Building - Combat Archery - Parties - Knife and Axe Throwing
1-on-1 Instinctive Archery Training
Personal training session to improve your archery
2 hr2 hr
200 euros
Triq Robert Mifsud Bonnici
Service Description
A personal one to one session of traditional instinctive archery instruction.
We will work on form, focus and technique to improve your archery.
Training can be in Mediterranean draw, slavic or asiatic (thumb release) technique.
Cancellation Policy
Due to restricted numbers allowed on the range, please only book if you are certain you will attend. No-shows and late cancellations (within 48hrs of the session) will be charged at the full rate.
Only when WE have to cancel because of the weather, it will be free of charge.
Contact Details
Triq Robert Mifsud Bonnici, #(Malta University Residence), Hal Lija, LJA1405